Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ericka: The Very Hungry Ericka (8.10.13)

I started yesterday out on such a good foot. I had 2 boiled eggs for brunch and a granola bar for a snack. Then dinner rolled around. We went to the Palms Steakhouse. It was fancy smancy. We pulled up and there were Bentley coupes, a vintage Rolls Royce and other exotic cars. So let me give you the run down of what I: 8 sweet potato fries, 1 1 dirty martini, 1 piece of bread with butter, garlic green beans, 1/2 a rib eye steak, a glass of merlot, a bite of potatoes au gratin, a bite of lobster and a bite of lobster bisque.

Why I'll Never Be A Vegetarian

After all that food, I made sure to get up and exercise. First I went for a jog with Chris. The plan was to jog a minute walk 90 seconds, but my cell phone was dead so I couldn't use my C25K app. So I set my Nike+ Fitness app on the iPod to 30 minutes. I started with a 5 minute warm up walk, then I jogged 8 minutes straight (I shocked myself), walked 2 minutes, jogged 8 minutes, walked 2 minutes and finished with a 5 minute walk. After that I was spent and very proud of myself. I don't know the last time I jogged for more than 5 minutes straight. It's been years!

I then hopped on a bike for another 33minutes.  I must admit I got lost. I have no sense of direction. Luckily I ran into what I hoped was a nice family. A husband, wife and there young adult daughter. I said "they  have to be okay, they have a daughter", and thank God they were. Tim, Sherri and Morgan not only let me use their phone, but they invited me into their home to look at a map of the neighborhood, then proceeded to drive me around until I found my brother in law's house. If you all are reading, i want to say thank you guys! While riding around Sherri revealed she just lost 75lbs and her husband 30lbs using medifast. Not only did they give me a ride, but they inspired me to push forward .

I only have 32 more minutes to go to finish the week, and tomorrow starts a new challenge!


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