This morning we went to the gym. Thankfully, we belong to a gym that has a daycare. We dropped Deuce off, and he didn't even look back. We met up with my friend Essie, because I wanted to get in some more racquetball lessons. Since Chris had been talking smack all week about how he could whoop Es, I let them play first so that there would be no excuses like "I was tired from my workout." So while they got it in, I decided to skip my usual elliptical workout and get on the indoor track. As you know, jogging is the bane of my existence, but it is such a great cardiovascular workout. In the past, whenever I wanted to lose weight quickly, jogging produced the most efficient results. Nonetheless, I still hate it. It's not just a physical challenge, but a mental one as well. I remember way back in high school we had to do the mile every Friday, and we were supposed to do it in 10 minutes. I used to jog to a bush and wait it out then jump back in as if I did something. SMDH. I think one of my goals for the future is to do a half marathon.I think the longest I've ever jogged was an hour. After an hour I would wonder why I am doing this and just stop. 13 miles will definitely be a test of will.
Back to the track; 11 times around equaled a mile. I decided that I was going alternate jogging and walking for 20 minutes. When I jogged around the 1st time, I noticed a clock so I decided to time my laps. The first lap was a minute and 8 seconds and my walking laps were like a minute and a half. Then I jogged around again. About the 3rd jogging lap, I started to feel it and wanted to slow down, but then Beyonce came on & I said to myself "I run this track, the track does not run me." When I pushed it, I noticed I shaved some time off my lap. I kept pushing and pushing until I did a lap in 59 seconds. Every time I saw the clock, which was located at the home stretch, I pushed myself. Thank you clock, and thank you Beyonce.
Now back to Chris' thrashing. Like I said, he had been talking smack all week. He truly underestimated Es. She's short (Essie you are short just like me) and unassuming, if you don't know her. I was looking forward to the match, because beating Chris in a competitive sport has eluded me. Does air hockey count? Before I started my jog, I watched those 2 play for a little while. Chris was swinging and missing, running into walls and working while Es was cool as a cucumber. After a few minutes I saw where this was going, and I'm not going to lie, I got excited. I mean I was as giddy as a school girl. Jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear. What does that say about me as a wife? Lol. I don't usually relish in Chris' failures, which are few and far between, but to watch him get his butt handed to him by a girl made my day. I felt like I was the one schooling him! I only watched for like 3 minutes and came back after my jog. When I got back, Chris was drenched in sweat while Essie was simply glowing. He only scored 1 point in 3 games. When Es wasn't in earshot he still talked a little smack until she admitted she actually took it easy on him.
Es then watched us play against each other a little while. Then I practiced rallying, my backhand and hitting off the back wall. Then Chris and I played again when he got back from his jog. Essie watched us again so she could give us pointers. While I lost 15-3, it was 3 points more than I have ever scored against him, and it was 2 more points than he scored against Es! I made him work for his points, especially game point. I am going to continue to practice until I am the one schooling him. Just kidding, not really. I do foresee this as a sport we can enjoy together though.
After that, we scooped Deuce up, which was about 2 hours after we dropped him off. He wanted to go swimming so we took him to the wade pool which only had 6 inches of water and a waterfall. He wanted to go to the big pool, but we forgot our swimsuits. We then enjoyed a nice lunch at Chipotle's, and then went home where Deuce and I proceeded to take a 3.5 hr nap on this glorious rainy overcast Saturday.
So all in all I say I got about 100 more minutes of exercise in, leaving me with 83 minutes for tomorrow.
I hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did.
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