Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ericka: Back on My Griz-ni-yee (7.17.13)

My apologies to those of you who don't watch the ratchetness that is Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, but griz-ni-yee is my best Lil Scrappy impression, and it means grind.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, I got back on my grind by starting off with a 20 minute morning workout. No I don't feel 100%, but I am not going to let a cold stop me from accomplishing my goal.

So this morning I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m and then I went right back to bed. Around 6:20 I woke up in anticipation of the 6:30 a.m. alarm. My first thought was "I am going to turn it off and sleep a little more,", but then I got the feeling that if I didn't get up and exercise today, then I would fall off the wagon. I didn't want to throw away all of the hard work I had put in over the past 4 weeks so I dragged myself out of bed and got it in. I started off with the Move Your Body warm-up, followed by Keaira LaShae's Hip Hop Booty Popping Workout. While I was doing my yoga stretches, KL's next workout came on, and it seemed promising, because I could hear Sir Mix A-lot in the background. So in lieu of doing Tara Stiles Beginner's Yoga for Weight loss, I decided to do the video.

While the routine did make me sweat, it wasn't my favorite. I wasn't a fan of the choreography, I almost turned it off, because the tutorial portion was a bit long due to all of the steps, the music was barely audible, and it was some remix of Baby Got Back, not the version I was looking forward to. Nonetheless, I still got a good workout in. Give it a try. You may like it.

After finishing those 2 dance routines, I only racked up 15 minutes of workout time so I decided to tag another 5 minutes of exercise. I did 2 sets of the following routine:

  1. 25 Jumping Jacks
  2. 30 Russian Twists
  3. 10 Squats
  4. 10 Standing Calf Raises
  5. 10 Push ups
I then finished it off with 30 seconds of high knees. Total time for this week: 20 minutes; only 280 minutes to go. My plan is to go to the gym this evening. I'll let you know if I do it.

Happy Hump Day,


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