Why do people think it's okay to comment on weight? That really grinds my gears. Today someone told me "you look like you gained a couple of pounds since the last time I saw you." My response: Gee, thanks. What my response should have been: that mole on your face seems to have gotten larger. Stop and think before you speak. You wouldn't want someone to comment on let's say your acne, crooked teeth, limp hair, big nose etc. I guess people assume weight is something that can easily be controlled. If you are overweight or fat, people think all you have to do is put down the fork and exercise. Clearly if it was that easy then we wouldn't have an obesity problem in the U.S. so the next time you want to comment on someone's weight, well mine in particularly, just be prepared for me to comment on your physical flaw(s).
You know it's time to lose weight when your kid plays with your belly as if it's play doh.
My pants today were a bit big, and I have officially hit the 10 pounds lost mark!
I put in 55 minutes of exercise today. I don't know what got into me,because I am definitely no where near 100%. Perhaps it was the steroids pumping through me from my frequent inhalation of Afrin. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical in the Bikram garage, 30 minutes of cross training using NTC, and I finished it off with a 5 minute light, very light, more like a trot, jog. I am a horrible jogger. In fact my jog may be most people's power walk and quite a few people's normal walking pace. I'm an even worse power walker. I start off on a good foot and then forget what I'm doing and before I know it I'm sauntering in a lackadaisical fashion.
Total time for this week is 75 minutes. I know I was supposed to workout yesterday evening, but I passed out immediately after taking my cold medicine. Nonetheless, that leaves me with 225 minutes to complete by Sunday which is 75 minutes a day. That's definitely going to be an uphill climb. Why oh why did Chris and I agree that we can't tack any extra workout time from the previous week onto the next? I got in well over 300 minutes last week.
Chris and I didn't eat at the dinner table together, because we decided to get froyo for dinner and eat it in the car, but we did turn off the radio and phones so we could talk about our day.
Alright guys. Goodnight and happy it's almost the weekend! I'm about to enjoy the sounds of this glorious summer rain.
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