Friday, August 9, 2013

Ericka: French Fries! (8.9.13)

Yesterday for my first official cheat day I ate a kid size McDonald's french fries! They were so yummy. I swear McDonald's has some of the best french fries, followed by wing stop. Homemade fries of course tops them all. Now that I got the McD's fries out of my system, I think I can go without them for a little while. Other than the fries, my 1st cheat day wasn't too bad. I ate one of my collard green wraps for breakfast, I had some hummus with a  light salad and 1 falalfel for lunch, and a smoothie for dinner.

This morning I worked out for 70 minutes, and that's after getting in at 2:00 a.m. Ok, I can't even lie. I fell asleep 20 minutes into the road trip. I hear Deuce fell asleep shortly thereafter. The last thing I remember is him saying "I want to get out" and "I'm stuck" as he struggled to get out of the car seat. I believe I woke up briefly in Lake Charles, went back to sleep and didn't wake up until we reached our destination. Of course I was wired when I got in, but a nice glass of red wine helped me go back to sleep.

Back to the work out. I did 45 minutes of H.I.I.T and 15 minutes of abs using NTC, and then I jumped on the trampoline for another 10 minutes. I have to get in 107 minutes between Saturday and Sunday. I also got all 9 sets of my Friday jumping jacks in, and I did one set of the Monday through Thurday exercises. Goal for the end of the trip, to not weigh more than when I left.

Ok guys, time for me to go hang out with the crew.


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