Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ericka: Run Jack Run/Funky Nola/Jogging w/an Amazon

Run Jack Run
Who knew a half-marathon would bring out the emo in me? This past Sunday, my friend Jacqueline participated in the Rock n Roll half-marathon; a feat she had been training for, at first in secret, over the last few months. For those of you who don't know, a half-marathon is a little over 13 miles. That's not just a physical challenge,it's also a mental challenge. After the 1st 5 miles, hell the 1st 1 mile if I was the participant, it becomes a battle of the wills. I and another friend of ours set up shop at the 12 mile mark to await her arrival. I saw a mother and son duo, he looked about 10 years old, and I teared up. I saw a father pushing his sick daughter in a jogging wheel chair; more tears. I saw an elderly gent keeping up with the best of them, and I welled up. I saw a woman who looked about 7 months pregnant, and I... had a moment of invidiousness, followed by a moment of "you go girl", and then a few tears. When I saw my friend come my way, I was filled with so much pride. She set a goal, and she was on her way to accomplishing it. Of course I shed another tear. By the time the man dressed as a banana rolled through, I was damn near bawling like a baby. Jack calculated that she would finish in 2 hours and 10 minutes. The marathon keepers estimated a finish time of 2 hours and 20 minutes. Jack beat both estimations, and finished in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Of course after witnessing Jack and all of her glory, I turned to my friend M and said, we are doing this next year. Two hours later I texted them and informed them if I couldn't complete it in 2 hours and 45 minutes or less, then I will have to graciously bow out. I just see myself jogging for what seems like 10 miles only to find out it's only been 3 miles after an hour. I also see myself saying "this is stupid" prior to exiting stage left after learning such tragic news lol. Nonetheless, despite my trepidation, I really do want to train to participate next year. First stop, teaching my body how to jog again. Second step, train for a 10K.

Side Note: Some of the participants did a full marathon, over 26 miles. They all run together, but when the half-marthoners stop, they keep going. I'm sorry, but seeing other people accomplish their goal while I still had another 13 miles to go would take the sails out of me. Kudos to those folks who kept going.

Funky NOLA
Monday I finally joined my friend Margaret for a Zumba class located at Funky Nola (1700 N. Broad). It was a great way to reintroduce my body to moving. The music was fun and selections included Latin, African, Reggaeton, and Hip-Hop. The instructor, Danielle Burrell, was really upbeat and kept a smile on her face. The class was all women, and their ages ranged from mid 20s to 60s. I would say the intensity level is moderate. You will definitely burn some calories and sweat. Classes are Mondays at 6 p.m., Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Saturdays at 9 a.m. A drop in class is $10, but for $60 you can purchase a 10 class punch card. I will definitely go again. For more info go to

Jogging w/an Amazon
Last week my co-worker/friend and I decided that we should start going for 30 minute power walks/jogs 3 days a week at 4:15 p.m. Ev is a working mom like myself, and has had trouble finding the time to exercise. Working parents have a lot against them when it comes to finding time to exercise. Evenings are hard because there is only one gym, that I know of, that provides babysitting care. That gym is not convenient to get to because it's all the way in Harahan. Besides, even if I went to that gym in the evenings, I would be taking my kid from one daycare to another. I would probably get to the gym at 6:00 p.m. at the earliest, pound out an hour and then head home.  I would then get home around 7:45, then cook, feed Deuce, give him a bath, and then send him to bed. Even though  my husband and I split the household duties, I still wouldn't get a chance to spend any quality time with my kid or my husband. The other option is of course waking up early in the morning, but rest time is so valuable. However, I am still going to work my way up to doing that. So getting in a quick 30 minutes in the afternoon is a great compromise. When I used to go at lunch, I would spend an hour and 20 minutes on walking to the gym, working out, showering, and then walking back. I would then have to make up that time by working late. By going around 4:15-4:30, I can just go home afterwards or even go back up to my office for a little while, because I usually don't meet with clients after 4, since our office closes at 5pm, and my co-workers are heading home for the day.

Ev is tall, has long legs, and is not a southerner. If you're from the south, especially from New Orleans, you know we tend to walk a little slower. I blame our stroll on the heat and humidity as well as our devil may care attitude. Yesterday was our first day. We started off with a 5 minute warm-up. I thought we were walking at a fast paced, but apparently we were not by Ev's standards. After the 5 minute warm-up, I told her that I was going to jog 60 seconds then walk 90 seconds for 20 minutes. She then responded that she will pick the pace up on her walk to keep up. Here I thought that was her fast walk. My jog was only a few paces ahead of her walk, and by the end, her walk was neck and neck with my jog. Ev's power walk didn't even seem that fast. It wasn't like the power walkers you see in the neighborhood or at the mall. I  blame her long legs, and my slow jog trot. At the end of the jog, my legs were burning.  Afterwards I tried to go to the new Whole Foods to pick up a few things to make myself a nice healthy salad. When I exercise, it compels me to eat better too. However, the lines were ridiculous, and I had to leave without getting anything, much to the dismay of my kid who started crying and screaming "I want some food". I instead I had 2 fresh spring pork rolls from Pho Orchid; not the healthiest, but not bad either. This morning I made myself a nice smoothie, and I brought beef pho for lunch today. I only ate half, and I'm saving the rest for tomorrow's lunch. 

Ev and I met up again today, and my jog trot did not get any better. However, Ev was a great motivator, and she helped me to push myself. Thanks Ev! We plan on doing it again tomorrow. 

Side Note: This morning, I woke up with delayed muscle soreness, and it has stuck with me throughout the day. I love that feeling. I could go for a nice deep tissue massage, because it hurts so good. My workouts these 3 days weren't even that strenuous; that's a testament to how out of shape I am. I can't believe just last August I could do 20 minutes of straight jogging, but now I'm winded after a jog/walk. I can't dwell on what could have/should have been. I just have to keep moving forward.

Thank You
Finally, I would be remissed if I didn't say thank you to the countless emails, text messages, and social media comments offering tips to help me stay on track and offering to be my work-out buddy. Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it. 

Good Night,